
We recommend taking this program in conjunction with the Masters X-Country Lessons! Gain experience x-country skiing from NCCP qualified coaches and enjoy the company of friends!

The Masters Biathlon Program is for adult biathletes of all ages and ability. This program focuses on a variety of components of shooting, from the very fundamentals of biathlon development up to specialized techniques.

Rifle ownership is not mandatory for this program. Rifles can be provided through the Biathlon Manitoba Rifle Pool Program. Ammunition is purchased in advance.

It is recommended that while in this program, athletes find an opportunity to acquire a Possession and Acquisition Licence. This allows individuals to be conscious and well instructed in the use of firearms, as well as be prepared for the next stage of development in owning or renting a rifle.

Acceptance into this program requires approval from a RRN Biathlon Coach.


Athletes must be 18 years of age or higher.

Registration Fees

Active Seasons

The Masters Program is active from September 1 to March 31.


  • Tuesday: 730-830 (Gateway Gun Club)
  • Friday: 730-830 (Gateway Gun Club)

Training Venues

  • Gateway Gun Club
  • Falcon Ridge Ski Resort

Additional training venues will be provided by an athletes respective X-Country Program.

Required Equipment

  • Adequate shooting gloves
  • 1 set of skate skis, boots, poles

More Information

Have questions or need more information? Don’t hesitate to contact our coaching staff.