
The Falcon Combined is a two day long competition series hosted by Red River Nordic. It is an annual event to promote both cross country skiing and biathlon in Manitoba, taking place at the beautiful Falcon Ridge Ski Slopes.

The cross country event is open for all Nordiq Canada categories. The biathlon event is open to ages 11 and up for all Biathlon Canada categories.

Day 1

Events: Sprint cross country competition & biathlon range open house.

Note: If novice athletes intend to compete in the biathlon competition on the second day, we encourage them to take part in the open house to gain experience before shooting in a real competition. The open house is run by our dedicated club coaches and experienced athletes, so don’t miss out!

Day 2

Events: Sprint biathlon competition.


When open, registration for the Falcon Combined will be publicized and made available on Zone4.

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many volunteer official roles to fill on both race days. If you are an available parent or guardian, family or friend, we highly recommend coming out to both events to help support the club.